The former superintendent of the Mobile County School System, the largest in the state, reported that 80 percent of those who participated in Helping Families were not suspended again in the next 12 months for any reason. [1]
Helping Families statistics show 93 percent of Helping Families “graduates” were not suspended again during the following year. [2]
The Montgomery County School System reported the program reduced unexcused absences by 24.5 percent since the 2012-2013 term period. School suspensions in this system were reduced by 30 percent during the same time period. [3]
The Alabaster City Schools followed a young man assisted by Helping Families. Despite being homeless and a school dropout, he earned his high school diploma, has an impressive employment history and was never arrested. [4]
Eighty-two percent of Helping Families graduates had not been arrested the following year. Fifty-five percent of all suspended Mobile County public school students had an active or disposed juvenile record. [5]
Sixty-nine percent of families completing the Helping Families program showed overall improvement in functioning. [6]
Research on 218 youth who successfully completed the Helping Families program between 2008-2013 showed that 75 percent of them had no involvement with the justice system after their cases were closed. [7]
The high school graduation rate at Alabaster City Schools increased from 90 percent to 97 percent over two years. The improvement is 70 percent of the last remaining 10 percent prior to Helping Families services. [8]
Statistically significant improvements in overall family and student functioning were achieved in five domains (environment, parental capability, family interaction, family safety, child well-being) examined using the North Carolina Family Assessment Instrument. [9]
“Possibly the most significant benefit of the SFI (Helping Families in Shelby County) approach is that it seeks to address the underlying issues associated with a student’s lack of school success, and not just the outward symptom that is manifesting itself through poor school attendance and/or out of school suspension. Through addressing a family’s deeper needs, it’s possible that we can change that family’s circumstances and break the cycle of repetitive poor school performance for the child.” (SFI is Shelby County’s version of Helping Families) [10]